Tuesday, February 18, 2020

"8 Years of Terrible Blushing RESOVLED" - 21 yr old woman from South Africa

I had the most wonderful experience this morning when I saw the severe blushing all over, after she was put to sleep, completely resolve the moment I finished Micro ETS (30 minutes to do the procedure) on a 21 yr old patient who had flown in 2 days ago from South Africa.  Visiting with her and her mother in the recovery room afterwards, they both started to tear up with tears of joy as she felt no blushing/burning at all, warm hands as well (hers would become cold during severe blushing episodes).  Her mother then told me that her daughter had been to 40 doctors to try and improve the severe blushing and burning (heat sensation) that she would experience several times a day when talking with others.  They even did brain scans, urine tests and blood tests looking for hidden tumors that, they were certain were the cause of her extreme blushing/burning with elevated heart rate.  She had gotten to the point where she felt abnormal and not like anyone else.  This morning, after Micro ETS, she is beaming with a large smile expressing how happy she is now and feels normal.

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