Saturday, September 26, 2020

"I No Longer Have Head Sweating"

66 y/o woman from Melbourne, Florida experienced immediate cessation of her severe head sweating following Micro ETS.
"Electric Contraptions on your head don't work to stop head sweating".

Life has changed after Micro ETS: "I no longer have head sweating".

Florida is hot and humid which usually triggers excess sweating for many people.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

"I Can Go Out in Public Now"

21 y/o man from Texas used to suffer from severe sweating of the face, scalp, hands and underarms before Micro ETS.
It was hard to go out in public due to extreme anxiety and even fear of dripping from his face in front of others.

After Micro ETS he reports:

"I am able to actually go out in public now without the fear of having excessive facial sweating and dripping from my face. It has drastically changed my life and has allowed me to live a much happier life."

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Handshakes now raise My Confidence

19 y/o man from Washington shares how life has improved after Micro ETS one year later:
Before Micro ETS: "I could not hold a pencil well during exams."
>> How satisfied are you with Micro ETS?: "Very Satisfied"
> Are you experiencing compensatory sweating?: "Yes"
> Problem Areas and Severity: Mild, mostly lower back and bottoms of feet
> How has your life changed since having Micro ETS?: "It has raised my confidence in formal situations, such as handshakes. It's helped me make better first impressions."

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Blushing Improved after Micro ETS --> The Burning Sensation went Away"

32 y/o woman from Kansas City shares how her severe burning and blushing of the face improved so much after Micro ETS.
"I had ETS for Facial Blushing / Hyperpyrexia: Yes

How satisfied are you with ETS procedure?: Very Satisfied

How satisfied are you with recovery time?: Very Satisfied

Are you experiencing compensatory sweating?: Yes

Problem Areas and Severity: Moderate - legs, stomach, chest, arms

How life changed since having ETS.  6 months later she shares:

"It has changed my life most definitely for the better! I am no longer worrying about my issue and can now focus on important things around me. Less anxious and able to engage in day to day activities and social situations. The burning sensation went away and I feel so much better."

Monday, September 14, 2020

"I've been able to gain more confidence in meeting people"

24 y/o woman from Houston, TX shares the following after Micro ETS:

"I have been able to use the computer and write without getting the materials soaked! I've been able to gain more confidence in meeting people and going to things that make me nervous, because I know my hands won't sweat. I have been so much happier! Thank you Dr. Nielson, I know it will only get better from here!"

Saturday, September 12, 2020

"I am Thrilled - I can go out and not worry or be embarrassed by dripping face and wet hair."

24 y/o woman from Texas reports huge improvement in functioning following Micro ETS:

" I am thrilled with the results and the fact that I can go out and not worry or be embarrassed by dripping face and wet hair.
I'm coming to terms with the compensatory sweating and find it easier to cope with than the head and face. It seems to happen when I'm in an anxious state."