Friday, July 12, 2019

"My Confidence Has Skyrocketed after Micro ETS"

"My confidence has skyrocketed! I can have impromptu conversations and can actively participate in my college classes. It has made my life so much better. I can be myself in any situation without fear or inhibition.
Cs (compensatory sweating) on the stomach and underarms "was severe at first but things have normalized since."

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

"I Can Shower/Do my Hair on the Same Day that I plan to Leave the House".

> One Year after Micro ETS, she reports the following improvement in her life:

> "The surgery has allowed me to wash my hair and dry it ONCE, instead of dozens of times; it has also allowed me to shower/do hair on the same day that I plan to leave house (used to have to do at least one day before). The surgery has allowed me to go shopping without having to leave the store to change clothes. Thank God for Dr. Nielson!"