Wednesday, September 20, 2017

1 Year Later --> "I am in wonder at this new reality, 100% successful with Dry hands.

Life has changed since Micro ETS:
"It is a complete change socially. Before the surgery, my entire life revolved around hiding or masking my sweaty hands, from social situations, to church life, even just going to the store. It affected which activities I would participate in, what clothing I could wear, etc. There are now no such restrictions and it has opened up a world of opportunities that I felt I had to shy away from before. The surgery was 100% successful and still a year after the surgery I am in wonder at this new reality. I am more confident in every setting and no longer feel the worry and anxiety associated with hands that were soaking wet all of the time. When I meet people who I suspect suffer from hyperhidrosis, I tell them about Dr. Nielsen and his practice. I couldn't be happier with the results. Yes, there is compensatory sweating, and yes it can be severe at times, but it is a small price to pay; and only people who have suffered from hyperhidrosis can fully appreciate that estimation."

Thursday, September 14, 2017

"I feel very lucky" Six months later --> "I feel more comfortable in my skin & can go to social events without worrying"

31 yr old woman from Oklahoma is "Very Satisfied" with improvement in facial blushing and burning after having Micro ETS by Dr Nielson in San Antonio, TX.
Prior to Micro ETS, she would experience severe blushing and burning of the face and cold fingertips several times a day. Performing activities of daily living, simple things and tasks, were very difficult to do.
Clonidine, beta blockers antidepressants and anti-anxiety mediations hadn't helped lessen the severe blushing/burning of her face.
Compensatory sweating of the back, legs and abdomen is triggered by "hot days" and is moderate in severity.

Her life changed after Micro ETS —> "I feel more comfortable in my skin and can go to social events without worrying about blushing. I am more at ease attending events for my daughter's school and speaking in front of people. I'm very thankful for this change and feel very lucky."

Friday, September 8, 2017

Severe case of Flushing and burning dramatically improved after Micro ETS

"I have seen significant changes in just one month and feel optimistic it will continue to get better. I had a very severe case. I am now able to sleep through the night without a fan on my face. Only 3 nights since the surgery have I flushed during the night and it was mild compared to what it used to be. There's been huge improvements in heat flushing. I was able to attend an outdoor weather on a humid day with no flushing. I hope to get to 100 percent with the heat and sun flushing. My emotional flushing has also drastically decreased. I still am very sensitive to foods and will continue to eat restricted for now.
I was able to come over inderall entirely the first week. Within 3 weeks I have come off cromolyn completely. In a few weeks we will begin weaning off of the clonodine. Being off these meds has helped me get more energy back and i am so appreciative of that.
Dr N is the most caring and passionate surgeon and doctor. He spends the time to hear how you are doing and truly cares from pre op to post op. Everyone at his office is amazing! Thank you thank you thank you! I begin to feel like my life is normal again and can't wait for the results to continue even more!!"

Friday, September 1, 2017

Really satisfied with the outcome after Micro ETS -> Improved sweating

Life changed after Micro ETS:  "I was fearful that this procedure might not achieve desired results but fortunately I was really satisfied with the outcome. Now, I have more self confidence and my social life couldn't be better.  I would like to thank Dr Nielson and all the staff for helping me overcome this issue."
