Wednesday, January 23, 2019

"Completely Life Changing for me."

> Micro ETS "has been completely life changing for me. Every aspect of my daily life is improved from school to the clothes I can wear to the activities I can now be involved in."

"Feel much more at ease in social situations"

"I Feel much more at ease in social situations, especially speaking in front of people", after Micro ETS.

Friday, January 18, 2019

One Year after Redo ETS for recurrent hand sweating

"I feel confident. I am so happy i got it done again. I can hold my boy friend's hand again!"

Life has changed --> feelings Six Months later

> How has your life changed since having ETS?:

"My hands are still dry to this day and that has been absolutely life changing for me. So many situations that gave me anxiety before are now a breeze and I'm so thankful for that. My forehead and scalp do still sweat, though I don't believe it is as bad as before. I am so grateful for Dr. Nielson because having my hands not sweat is more than enough for me!"