Thursday, December 8, 2016

Watch tonight at 10

Tonight is the night!  Dr. David Nielson and Makayla, a Churchill High School student whose life was changed for the better will be featured tonight on News 4 WOAI at ten!

The segment is by anchor Evy Ramos.  Here is a behind the scenes look while Evy is interviewing Makayla and the photographer is shooting video.  Makayla underwent Micro-ETS surgery.  Dr. Nielson is the only surgeon on the world who performs this minimally invasive surgery, where the incision is very small, twelfth of an inch, and he doesn't collapse the lungs or damage surrounding tissue.  Patients can usually go home hours after the surgery.  Makayla suffered from hyperhidrosis, a condition that caused her to have severely sweaty, wet hands. 

Here is a shot of Dr. Nielson and Evy talking.  He's talking about how patients come from around the world to undergo his minimally invasive procedure.  In fact, a patient is travelling to San Antonio from China soon for the surgery. 

The interview went great and Evy says the story is ready for air tonight December 8th at 10:00.  We will of course post a link to this story.  We hope this story helps people know that they don't have to suffer from severe blushing and or sweaty hands/feet.  Micro-ETS is also for Raynaud syndrome.  There is a minimally invasive option right here in SA!

As for Makayla, she is dancing and playing the clarinet in the Churchill High School band.  Her mother says the surgery was a great experience and that Makala is thriving.  This video is of Makayla this last weekend at the Churchill High School playoff game.  We are cheering for you Makayla!

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