Friday, June 22, 2018

"My hands haven't been sweaty when going into job interviews"

22 yr old female reports 6 months following redo ETS for wet-cold hands:

"Graduated college, starting job. My hands haven't been sweaty when going into job interviews or taking finals. Such a blessing to have that confidence. They were even dry when i shook the smu president's hand when i was getting my diploma :)"

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

16 year old girl more confident shaking hands.

Prior to Micro ETS, she had tried Drysol, Hypercare and oral Ditropan but without any improvement in her wet hands.

"I am more confident when shaking hands, holding hands, and touching anything in general. Prior to ETS I was very self conscious and worried what others would think of me. Now I do not dread any hand contact with others."

Sunday, May 6, 2018

"I can play my clarinet" after Micro ETS

To Dr. David H. Nielson,

Hello, it's me, Regina, and I'm here to thank you for changing my life. I remember the day when my family saw a commercial of you on TV. It said that there was a surgery that can remove the problem of sweaty palms. I was so happy when I saw it. I begged my parents to take me to San Antonio to get the surgery done on me. When we finally made the appointment, I was excited. My sweaty palms have affected my life for years. I enjoyed drawing, but my sweaty hands would smear the led across the page and it would leave the page all soggy. Every time I would meet someone new, I would avoid shaking their hands, or I would try to get the sweat off by rubbing my hands on my pants. My friends would high-five me and they would always say, "Your hands are sweaty," and they would get the sweat off by rubbing their hand on their pants. That would really lower my self-esteem. I would get so mad when I struggled to play clarinet since my fingers would slip off the keys because of my sweat. I always dreamed of the day when my sweaty palms problem would disappear. Lets skip to January of this year. I was so nervous that morning of the surgery, but I knew that I wanted my problem to go away. So you, Dr. Nielson, preformed the surgery on me. In an instant, my problem was gone. I cried. I was overcome with joy that I was finally normal. You changed my entire life. Now I can high-five someone without them saying that my hands are sweaty, now I can dance with a guy in prom (highly unlikely, but that's not the point) and I can play my clarinet like a boss. Sorry this thank you email was sent to you months after the surgery, but still, thank you Dr. Nielson, for changing my life completely. I am happier and more comfortable with who I am. Once again, I can't thank you enough, you affected my life in a positive way and I will never forget when you changed my life back in January.

May God bless you, Regina

Friday, April 20, 2018

"I am much more confident and enjoy social activities" One Year after Micro ETS

Life changed after Micro ETS for severe wet hands
—> one year later "I am much more confident and enjoy social activities so much better. I dont constantly worry about my sweaty hands anymore. I can work more efficiently at my job."

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Micro ETS was 100% worth it for severe Blushing. My face hasn't been red since.

6 months after Micro ETS for severe Blushing and facial Hyperpyrexia:

"Very satisfied. Not experiencing any cs (compensatory sweating."

Life changed since having Micro ETS:

"Having the ETS procedure was 100% worth it. My face hasn't been red since the surgery. Its nice not to worry about my face getting red when speaking in public, getting angry or working out. My face would be beaming after a hard workout, people would ask me if I was okay. Now I don't see any redness at all and its so nice. My hands don't sweat anymore, which wasn't a problem for me before. They do get a little dry sometimes, nothing crazy. My feet did sweat a lot right after surgery but as time goes on they are not sweating so much. I haven't had any compensatory sweating at all so far (knock on wood)."

One Year after Micro ETS: "Little things like using touch-screen or being able to shake hands"

One year after Micro ETS for wet hands: —> Very Satisfied.

Cs is "Very little on my lower back but only if I'm hot or nervous"

Life changed since having Micro ETS: "I'm so glad I had this surgery! My life has changed in so many way, even just little things like using touch-screen or being able to shake hands.
> Thank you!!!!!"

Monday, March 19, 2018

One year after Micro ETS -> "I'm more confidant in social situations"

31 y/o woman tried several medications for severe blushing but nothing seemed to help her. She then decided to have Micro ETS and one year later she reports how her life has changed since:

"I'm more confidant in social situations and don't have to worry about blushing on a daily basis. Blushing was taking over my life before surgery and now I just have the occasional facial flushing on hot days."

"Cs is moderate on the feet, legs, back and stomach in summer months."

Friday, March 16, 2018

Wow what a difference after Micro ETS

Mild cs (compensatory sweating) of the feet and abdomen after Micro ETS for severe Blushing/burning of the face and moist hands.
A 28 year old woman suffered from severe blushing/burning of the face becoming much worse the past 8 years.  Sweaty hands was also a problem for most of her life (last 27 years).
Micro ETS was done 6 months ago  and this is what she reports now:

How life changed after ETS (report is 6 months following Micro ETS): "Wow what a difference. I don't sweat through gloves or my makeup anymore. My blushing was reduced by about 50%, but the hand sweating is completely gone. I am no longer embarrassed to shake someone's hand."

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

I can now leave my home without blushing

Micro ETS improved Facial Blushing and Facial Hyperpyrexia.

"I am able to leave the house and go to work. I can now interact with people outside and inside my home."

If you are suffering with hyperpyrexia/intense facial flushing, I highly recommend seeing Dr. Nielson.

How has your life changed since having Micro ETS?:

"I want to start by saying Dr. Nielson is an absolute life saver. There is truly no Dr. like him that you will find anywhere else. He is so knowledgeable, has terrific bed side manor, truly cares about you and your story and guides you from pre-op, surgery, to post-op. Everyone in his office also has been so comforting, supportive and reassuring. I highly recommend seeing Dr. Nielson if you are suffering with hyperpyrexia/intense facial flushing.”

"I had very, very severe hyperpyrexia. I could not sleep without having a fan directly on my face, couldn't walk outside on a warm day without turning scalding red, workout, laugh, etc. I would say after 6 months I am about 70% better. With the help of this surgery, I was able to come off all medicine. I was taking doxycycline, clonidine and inderal multiple times a day, which made me dizzy and lethargic. 
I am now able to sleep with no fan on. I can workout again. I am not avoiding social settings like I used to. I still am not 100% free of this but can feel it getting much better each month. I still turn pink going into very warm rooms or very hot days. But not scalding red. I still wake up red in the morning if I drank alcohol and have a strict diet.

Overall so much better and looking forward to continued improvement."

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Cold Fingers now Warm after Micro ETS

47 year old woman from NYC developed cold fingers and partial sweating recurrence after having had ETS for palmar sweating 19 years ago in New York City.
She traveled from NYC to San Antonio for Dr Nielson to perform Micro ETS to divide regenerated nerves at the 2nd rib level, to make her fingers become warm and palms become 100% dry.

Thermal Image showing cold fingers represented by purple.

POSTOP WARM and DRY FINGERS and PALMS  (Immediately warm and dry after MICRO ETS)
Thermal image showing warm fingers represented by yellow.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

"Micro ETS surgery has been a total success", father reports

Father, of 20 yr old daughter, reports 6 months following Micro ETS for severe Hyperhidrosis of the hands and axillae:

Dr. Nielson,
Maddee's Micro ETS surgery has been a total success. Maddee has been so happy with the results.
Father of patient.

Monday, November 27, 2017

21 months later: "He is doing fantastic!" Blushing improved

Mother reports how her 19 year old son is doing 21 months after having Micro ETS for severe Blushing.
"He is a freshman in college and is pretty busy. . .   I am happy to talk to people if that would help.  We made the decision based on very positive referrals from 2 other parents. He is doing fantastic!  So thankful he had the procedure and hopeful that he continues to do well! "

10 years after Micro ETS "I am Doing very Well. . . this procedure has been such a blessing"

a 48 year old woman shares how she is doing —> 10 years after Micro ETS for severe Blushing/burning of the face, severe sweating of the scalp/face.

She suffered for 20 years with severe Blushing/Hyperpyrexia, craniofacial Hyperhidrosis and slightly cool hands.  She had even tried medications such as Lactose intolerant meds and Bellergal (anticholinergic, sedative) and didn't see much improvement in her symptoms, which had bothered her so very much for so long.  She then decided to travel to San Antonio, Texas and have Micro ETS 10 years ago.  When she woke up, after the 30 minute procedure, she experienced immediate improvement in these symptoms, which had impaired her ability to perform activities of daily living.  

TEN years later she shares:
 "I am doing very well.  It's been over ten years since my procedure and still doing very well.  The compensatory sweat has also subsided quite a bit but not having it on my head is the best as that was my ultimate goal!   The only thing that has returned a little is when I eat hot foods but again, so minimal, I don't really even think about it anymore.  My work and profession requires me to speak and this procedure has been such a blessing.
I am happy anytime to share my experience with anyone as a referral.  I had such a comfortable experience and Dr Nielson and his staff were all such caring professionals!"

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

20 Yr History of Wet Cold Hands--> Micro ETS changed her wet-cold hands to warm-dry hands.

Download full resolution images
Available until Dec 14, 2017
Iontophoresis, HyperCare, Certain Dri, Anxiolytics  were ineffective, her hands remained wet and cold most of the time.  Impaired her ability to perform activities of daily living.

Micro ETS changed 20 years of wet cold hands to Warm and dry hands.  Micro ETS took 30 minutes in an ambulatory surgery center.
The next day in my office, her hands and even feet were dry.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

"Without having a blushing meltdown"

 For years, a 37 year old man suffered from severe Blushing and facial Hyperpyrexia (burning), especially in social situation.  He tried SSRI's, Clonidine and Xanax but none of them improved his severe Blushing.  One year ago, he he decided to undergo Micro ETS in San Antonio, TX.
Since then, his life changed drastically.  
He reports now:  "I am able to be near people and speak to people without having a blushing meltdown. It has completely changed my interaction with people for the better."  Compensatory sweating occurs on the underarms, middle and lower back, but is moderate only during exercise.
A year after Micro ETS when asked "How satisfied are you with ETS procedure?:  he replied "Very Satisfied"

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

"I am no longer anxious in social situations"

19 year old Woman shares her improvement in Blushing one year after Micro ETS:

Very satisfied with Micro ETS.

She experiences compensatory sweating: areas of cs include   armpits (moderate) and at times lower back (minimal). Has not been a serious issue.

Life has changed since having Micro ETS:
"I am no longer anxious in social situations. Not once since the surgery have I hesitated to raise my hand in class or initiate a conversation out of fear that my face will turn bright red. Dr. Nielson has completely changed my life!!"

At one month after Micro ETS she shared this experience:
"My life has most definitely changed since having ETS. Not once have I felt that intense burning feeling of the face since my surgery. My anxiety in everyday social settings has greatly diminished in just one month. I can raise my hand in class or initiate conversation without worrying about my face turning red. I have so much more confidence and so far am very pleased with the outcome of the procedure."

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

BLUSHING •••> "I am normal & never have to worry about it anymore" ONE YEAR after Micro ETS

One year after having Micro ETS, a 48 yr old man is very satisfied with the improvement in his Blushing. Cs (compensatory sweating) occurs in the heat/humidity: "on back of legs/feet/chest and doesn't bother me really. It's hot in Texas and I sweated anyway."

Life has changed since Micro ETS: "Words can't really describe how this has changed my work life. I'm normal and never have to worry about it anymore. I've actually forgotten about it most of the time. Wish i would done this 20 years ago."