Friday, August 24, 2018

"I can sleep without waking up red and burning."

16 year old girl from Easley, South Carolina after Micro ETS —>

"Before ETS, I had extreme flare ups of facial blushing and burning that were triggered by many things. For instance, going out in the heat, social situations, sleeping with my face on my pillow, eating spicy foods, working out, and consuming caffeine. It only progressed until I got this surgery done. I'm so glad I was able to have this procedure done. I can sleep on my pillow without waking up red and burning. I can be out in some heat. My flare ups are much less often with much less intensity and don't last as long. The left side of my face has no flare ups. Strength training sessions get the right side burning but it's still much better than before."

West Virginia Man One Year Later after Micro ETS "My Life is a lot more pleasant"

19 year old man from West Virginia one year after Micro ETS is ---->  "Very Satisfied"

Compensatory sweating occurs on the abdomen and legs, but isn't terrible. "They only sweat when expected, but they sweat a little more than they used to."
> Since Micro ETS —> "It's just easier to do things with my hands. It's more pleasant to shake hands. I can take notes in class without soaking my paper. I'm not constantly drying my hands on my clothes so I can grab things. It really has made my life a lot more pleasant."

Abu Dhabi to San Antonio for Micro ETS "Hands now Dry and Warm"

27 year old woman traveled from Abu Dhabi to San Antonio, Texas to have Micro ETS to improve her cold wet hands. She did on-line research for over 2 years and decided to travel all the way around the world to San Antonio to have Micro ETS to stop her severe hand sweating.  
Fingertip temperatures were 71 degrees immediately before Micro ETS which then warmed to 95 degrees and her wet hands became completely dry as well.  Surgery time was less than 30 minutes and she was discharged from the ambulatory surgery center 2 hours later with minimal pain.  She ate regular food afterwards and had a good night's sleep.  The following morning, she was quite excited when her hands remained dry even after holding a pen to write.

Friday, August 10, 2018

"My Life has improved dramatically one year after Micro ETS

"My life has improved dramatically since having ETS. Prior to it, I couldn't go outside if it was over 65 degrees without flushing. My diet was extremely extremely restricted to a few foods that wouldn't make me flush. I didn't feel comfortable going to work or being social. I lived in front of a fan inside."

"Now I am able to do so much more. It is not 100% but it is at least 80%. I have a much more diverse diet, can be in social situations, can enjoy warmer days (although I do still flush on over 80 degree days but that is normal). I don't have to live in front of a fan anymore.

"If you are struggling with intense facial flushing and burning, I highly recommend you speak with Dr. Nielson. He changed my life!"